Through the transference and integration of cultural wisdom and scientific observation this work group will map and explore the specific landmarks of the Subtle Anatomy.
Forum Description
This is an open group of energy medicine professionals and well-wishers who support a wider integration of EM modalities into the mainstream. We share a passion for self-healing, working with clients, and charting steps and events for this passion to thrive! We encourage high ethical/moral standards in all posts and activity. Posts not relevant to Energy Medicine will be deleted, to the best of our ability to monitor them.
1) To promote 'Health Choice' and a wider access to energy medicine modalities – for anyone seeking care. With a database of research and a network of qualified supporters we also seek to defend energy medicine wherever it is misrepresented or if ever a qualified practitioner is concerned.
2) To organize free on-line events for continuing education and to spread awareness of energy medicine modalities.
3) To provide an independent database of all EM devices and modalities for public accessibility to existing and future research at
4) To create a safe place for our members and friends to access energy medicine tools and services by developing relationships and sharing conversation about our individual services.
Members are encouraged to express views freely in conversation, and are encouraged to interact with open minds and hearts. Respectfully offered varying perspectives are welcome in order to facilitate awareness of EM related issues. All members are to refrain from making derogatory or demeaning comments to any member of the group. Members who do not comply with these respectful guidelines or with the standards established by this group, may be banned. For further information on guidelines for posting please refer to our Welcome document.
Please do not block any EME admins and all post in English unless for a local event. Thank you.
Please note that EME policy for promotion of events has officially changed. All members are welcome to post their events in our events section only. Please do not post events in our 'discussion' section, they will be removed by our admins. TY
Members are requested not to make claims to cure, diagnose or heal anyone of any conditions in posts, threads or in private messages that occur as a result of a discussion on EME. The members are solely responsible for products and services promoted and advertised by them in the posts, conversations, and private messages that occur as a result of a post shared in this group.
The founders/group administrators cannot be held liable for any damages incurred by choices made by the members or guests frequenting the group, based on information exchanged herein. By participating in this group, you agree to indemnify all group members from being responsible for your health and well-being.