Subtle Science
Attuning to the physics of light weaves us into the greater web of existence.
Subtle science unifies energy medicine and healing with innovative technologies and intuitive practices. Our focus on spiritual wholeness and grounded reverence for the earth and energy fields actively integrates higher consciousness into science and medicine.
Why bio?
This is physics, imaging, and computer science applied to reverence for life. It encompasses not just humans, but also animals, plants, mycelia, and the planet.
Why Field?
Rather than breaking things into parts, a “field” brings to awareness how human energy expands into the interconnected web of being, and with present tools can be measured 150 meters away. This approach emphasizes totality and wholeness. The earth is our lab, where utilizing the portable Biofield Viewer in the field gives experiences that allows for greater equity, especially in places where medical care is cost prohibitive or rare. We journey as well into the vast field of inner space.

Matters Beyond Matter
We are in the midst of a revolution in perspective, expanding from materialism to magnetism and frequency. In 2002 the term Biofield was established to represent the human energy in the aura in scientific terms. In this course you will learn about: the Biofield from researchers; the nature of light interacting with life; and reboot yourself by tracking fitness and meditative practices with the Biofield Viewer.
Years of Research
Studies Completed by the Centre
Hundreds More to Reference
Connected Practitioners
Biofield Scans in 4 Countries

Reclaim the collective creation and sovereign sanctity of science.
It came about only recently that humanity did not recognize science and spirituality as deeply interwoven. Pharmaceutics have lobbied for decades to prevent funding from going into these areas of research into holistic healing; through your participation in this course, you support the campaign for truth. We will also explore advances in human potential in parapsychology and cellular science.
Increased discernment and personalization for your path of healing and evolution.
Uplevel yourself using measurements of how different practices influence your biofield. The ancient Egyptians, Mayans, Zoroastrians and Incans built in harmony with cosmic patterns, with their senses open to energy. We build upon history’s drawings, pictures, and artistic and verbal depictions of the aura, to clear and dynamic images of the Biofield.

Understanding & Refining Your Energy Body
Over the last few decades biological energy fields have become increasingly accepted through scientific and cultural channels. We now have methods to measure subtle but important energy fields within and around the human body, however they are still rare in medical diagnoses and practice. We present cutting edge research on Biofields and how to generate and alter them. This allows us to understand to sense and modify our energy fields.

Energy Body Anatomy
Explore the correspondences with the modern Bio-Plasma, Bio-Photons, and the Primo Vascular System in the context of traditional systems of the Meridians, Nadis, the Sanals, the Acu-Points, the Chakras, the Biofield Layers, the Assemblage Point, the Silver Thread/Cord, the three Tiens.

Digital Clairvoyance: Seeing Biofields
Get the higher resolution download of what we refer to as the aura and kundalini energy from Thor, the co-developer of the Biofield Viewer, which utilizes light interference patterns between a controlled lighting environment and the human biofield. This allows you to witness changes in the chakras live and in full colour as they respond to interactions, to investigate, monitor and improve your hue. With registration you get 3-6 months access to Biofield Viewer, Chakra Viewer, and the 3D Biofield program, which costs $3,000.

Biofield Lab Practicum: Design Your Aura
Join us in a journey of self discovery. Navigate healing modalities and practices by tracking how they affect our individual biofields. At lab students image their energy bodies before and after Yoga, Reiki, Qigong, Breathwork, Meditation, and more. Then you may delve into the Build Your Biofield Personal Project with our guidance, and optionally get featured!

Metta Physics
We explore the physics of light in the context of quantum and astro physics, paralleled with Egyptian, Incan and Greek myth. Garner insights from physicists, many of whom were mystics in their own right, such as Newton’s handwritten notes on Prisms and the Emerald Tablets. We will anchor an immanent understanding of our own light, interspersing light weaving through the expanse, and contemplate the mystery of the void.

Meditations &
Guided Journeys
Release excess energy and drop into the ground state with your classmates. Explore the topics of the lectures in your imaginal space, honing your direct experiences with the subject matter. We will travel through time, geometry, energy, color, expanding into the cosmos, then bring that consciousness into our lived experience.

Roundtable Discussions
The transference of wisdom and consciousness often happens through dialogue in an unstructured setting. After the lecture we create the space for collective explorations of the mind and to visit scientific concepts parallel to the scope of the course. You can also ask questions about class, lightwork, and the labs.

Brought to you by the BioPhysics Mystics:

Thornton Streeter is founder of the Centre for Biofield Sciences with labs in the US, Mexico, India, and UK, after 18 years with UNESCO Maharastra Institute of Technology’s World Peace Centre. His extensive pioneering research projects include collaborations with the Kundalini Research Foundation, and a selection can be viewed online. He has presented globally at conferences including TEDx, Energy Medicine, and at universities. Head of Human Biofield Research at the Zoroastrian College. Founder of the Energy Medicine Exchange, a global community of over 40,000 health professionals. Since his early 20s he has shared science with a wider audience with the documentary Fractals of Infinity, collaborating with fractal’s inventor Benoit Mandelbrot and SciFi pioneer Arthur C. Clarke.

Alexander Hoffman studied physics at the College of Creative Studies at UCSB where he explored the intricate interweaving implications of calculus, algebra and geometries with geologic, biologic and architectural forms. Raised by storytellers, Alexanders passion for photography and meaningful artistic expression led him to spend 10 years collaborating with a transversally interconnected web of global creatives, investigating human potential and narrative in the built and theatric environment. In 2018 Alexander began his role as Director of Research at the Centre for Biofield Science, joining Dr. Streeters team in Goa, India. The Biofield Science team now calls Colorado home, where Alexander and the Subtle Science Mystics are co-creating their permaculturally inspired off-grid labspace with the Devas of the Forest.

Angela Morente Cheng has taught Metta Physics for the last 3 years integrating meditation with physics, formerly serving as a Teaching Assisstant in particle physics and relativity. She has walked the priestess path for a decade and apprenticed in clinical herbalism from an indigenous elder for three years. She practices breathwork and meditation daily, holds a yoga teacher certification, and is training as a qigong teacher. She holds a bachelors in physics from Stanford, where she researched atomic force and quantum scanning tunneling microscopy, nanoscale self assembly, and virtual reality, with professional experience with trajectories at NASA, diamond nanowires at Sandia, oscilloscopes at Agilent, and investment research in LEDs, SSDs, and chip scale atomic clocks. She went to Singularity University’s Global Solutions Program and since then has helped start companies: the first water in aluminum cans as an alternative to plastic bottles (over 1.5M impact), in 2017 was CMO of a $20m ICO Moeda Seeds, which that same year made $2m in microloans to farmers and cooperatives and is still bringing unbanked onto Web3, and as an ExO Coach brought AI to the supreme court of Columbia to address human rights cases in 2018-9. She focused on spiritual studies in the last four years, bringing her to Mt. Sinai, pyramids in Egypt, sites in Italy, stone circles in the UK, gardens in Japan, and temples in Thailand.
Connect with the team of the Subtle Science Immersive & Biofield Lab
Learn about the energy body & design your aura with biophysics mystics.